A small scale abattoir that implement Good Veterinary Hygence Practices (GVHP)

Brahman breed was imported from Australia ( Good and reliable source)

This is one of the successful cattle farmer in Malaysia. He rear about 250 cattle for using fedlot system and also an abattoir registered with Department of Veterinary Services. I have audited this premises twice.
A fully integrated enteprise from farm to table. The owner also operate a restaurant to promote their recipe Sup Tulang and Sup Ekor (tail soup).
Cattle Farmers, I have a contact for a good breed milking cows from Canada. If interested in importing and to get more details,please drop me an email at micropovic@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I have a piece of land, about 28acres presently planted with palm trees about 2 year maturity. Is it possible to start a small scale cattle rearing farm on this land. Please advise
ReplyDeleteI am in the animal feed business. We supply soya bean cake, wheat bran, pollard, addictives, etc to farmers, feed mills in Malaysia and Indonesia. Any one keen to explore can e mail me at Andrew.wee09@gmail.com. Thanks.